Cosmic Compass

Master Training

Miami & Zoom

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Nov. 9-11, 2024

Mindfulness made simple, fun and for everyone!

Opens The Heart

Facilitate Essential Conversations

Heal Past Wounds

Practice Quantum Self-Awareness

Find Meta Clarity

Optimize Decision Process

Promote Soulful Connection

Lighten Deep Introspective Journey


Transformative Coaching Skills

Unleash the power of Intuitive Strategy coaching techniques that go beyond the ordinary, leading to profound and lasting transformations for your clients.

Exclusive Community Access

Connect with a global network of Cosmic Compass coaches, sharing experiences, gaining insights, and elevating your coaching career to new heights.

Comprehensive Resources

Equip yourself with a manual, a workbook, and a game designed to make your learning experience not only effective but also enjoyable.

Ready to Embark on Your Cosmic Coaching Journey?

Join the coaches who recognize the immense value of the Cosmic Compass Weekend Training. This limited-time offer is your ticket to becoming a cosmic coaching trailblazer.

Limited-Time Savings

Don't miss the chance to save over 60% on the total value of this package! Act now, and invest in your coaching future at an unbeatable price. Click below to reserve your spot and unlock the cosmic potential within you!

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Limited-Time Offer: $995

(Original Value: $3300)

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The Cosmic Compass Master Training, includes:

The 20-hour theory + practical training

The Cosmic Compass Manual

The Workbook + The Game of Threads, Companion Book

The Cosmic Compass Game


1-Year C33 Membership for Support & Continuing Education

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Lisa Hallee

Community Manager

The best, most accessible, and fun personal growth and self-awareness tool I have ever found!

Didi Tonev

Founder + Conscious Parenting Youtube Channel

The game's structure encourages deep reflection, nudging players to seek answers within themselves, fostering heightened self-awareness.

Kris Murray,

Founder and CEO, The Child Care Success Company

I highly recommend the game for anyone seeking a deeper level of discovery and insight into their journey of transformation and exploration. And it was a lot of fun!"

Ready to Discover Your Cosmic Potential?

Call me now for a personalized consultation!

Do you have questions or would you like more details about the Cosmic Compass Weekend Training? I am here to guide you through the registration process and help you discover how this training can transform your coaching career.

Don't hesitate, call now for a free consultation!

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Frequently Asked Questions

What exactly does the training package include?

It includes 20 hours of intensive training, a comprehensive manual, an interactive workbook, an engaging game & its Companion Book and a Bonus! [the C33 Community Annual Membership].

How can I access the C33 community?

You will receive instructions on how to access the C33 community after completing the training registration.

Is the promotional price available to everyone?

The discounted price is reserved for this first Master-event. The original price is $3300. You can save 60% by registering to this Master-event and get a chance to add tremendous value to your coaching business!

Can I get a refund if the training does not meet my expectations?

We offer a 30-day refund policy if you are not completely satisfied.

How can I best prepare for the training?

You will receive a preparation list once you have completed your registration.

Is there an age limit to participate in the training?

The training is open to all adults interested in improving their self-awareness & coaching skills.